Friday 15 August 2014

Uncertainty reduction theory

Types of uncertainty[edit]

According to the uncertainty reduction theory, in initial interactions there are two types of uncertainty. You will either have cognitive uncertainty orbehavioral uncertainty. Cognitive uncertainty pertains to the level of uncertainty associated with the cognition (beliefs and attitudes) of each other in the situation.[7] Uncertainty is high in initial interactions because individuals are not aware of the beliefs and attitude of the other party.[7]Behavioral uncertainty pertains to "the extent to which behavior is predictable in a given situation."[7] In most societies there are behavior norms, that we all tend to abide by, and if in initial conversations one chooses to ignore those norms there are risks of increasing behavioral uncertainty and reducing the likelihood of having future interactions. A great example of ignoring societal norms is engaging in inappropriate self-disclosureFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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